Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oh My Goodness...and Some Random Freebies

It's official. My plate full.  No, I passed full 2 weeks ago.  In fact, I can't even find the plate. Literally!  The end of the first quarter with report card assessment and grades converged with closing on a house, packing and moving.  I feel totally disorganized in all areas of my life.

The past few weeks at school, amidst the chaos, we spent time studying owls and bats.  We did tons or reading, writing, and math activities related to both, but do you think I have found the box with my camera cord yet?  Oh no.  So for now, here are two labeling activities that we did with owls and bats.

Next up, we are studying Native Americans in preparation for our Native American Program which will be held the week before Thanksgiving.