Saturday, August 6, 2011

One of My Favorite Technology Blogs

I wanted to share an amazing blog that is one of my go to blogs for all things technology related!


I'm sure many of you already follow Erin, but, if not, you must pay here a visit.  I am currently a kindergarten teacher, but I am also a member of our building's 21st Century Technology team for our district.  This means that I need to have amazing ideas, tips, and ways to integrate and embed technology in a variety of grade levels!  

Kleinspiration has been the inspiration for many new things I have tried in my classroom, as well as things that I will be sharing with our tech team to introduce to our staff throughout the upcoming school year.
I love that her blog is full of amazing resources, but it also focuses on the purposeful embedding of technology, which is really what it's all about!

You must go visit her blog,
and while you're there be sure to sign up for her Target gift card giveaway!

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