Friday, October 7, 2011

Muffins with Moms and Donuts with Dads

I know lots of classrooms do Muffins with Moms around Mother's Day, but I have decided to make it a monthly event in our classroom.  The first Friday of every month we will alternate between Muffins with Moms and Donuts with Dads.  

Today was our first Muffins with Moms, and I was amazed by the turn out!  We had 15 moms join us, which is an amazing turn out (almost twice as many as Open House)!

On Thursday we made pumpkin muffins to serve our moms!  We also made simple invitations by folding a piece of construction paper in half.  Students filled in the information on the invitation, addressed and signed it and glued it inside.  They colored their muffin and glued that half of their page on the outside.  Simple, but cute!

Our community liaison and kindergarten ESL teacher joined us to assist with translation.  After the kids served muffins and juice to their moms, they selected a favorite book for their mom to read to them.  We read the big book, It's Pumpkin Time!
 and the students sequenced how a pumpkin grows
(found here) with their moms!  
It was a great ending to our week!

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