Friday, October 7, 2011

Versatile Blogger!

Wow!  Thank you to Barbara from The Corner on Character

The Corner On Character

for nominating me for The Versitile Blogger Award.
I am humbled, and slightly embarrassed, as I see all of the other amazing, talented, creative bloggers out there who have received this award!  I am feeling like a bit of a slacker.  I started my little blog during the lazy days of late summer, but when I started back for professional development, my blogging fell by the wayside.  I guess I really need to get in gear!

7 Things About Me:
  • I first met my husband in middle school (it was junior high back then).  We have been married for 17 years, and we have an amazing son in middle school and 7 year old fraternal twins.
  • I live for basketball, and I wish the NBA would get it together already!
  • Before I began teaching, I worked with adults and children with developmental disabilities.
  • Baking is a hobby that feeds my serious carb addiction and gives me something tasty to go with all the coffee I drink.
  • I am learning to play the guitar, even though I am not the slightest bit musical.
  • I have always wanted to travel to all 50 states.  I am no where close to achieving this goal, but I hope to do some serious traveling next summer.
  • Books are the most comforting thing in the world, and despite my love of technology, I just can't bring myself to get a reader.  
Now, on to the nominations!  SO many wonderful bloggers have already had The Versatile Blogger award bestowed upon them, and there are SO many more that it is difficult to nominate just seven, but here are my nominations (in no particular order):

I hope that you'll check them out! I am always inspired by these versatile bloggers!


  1. Thank you so much for nominating my blog! I am still amazed anyone reads it, much less might get some ideas from it. I added your blog to my favorites as weel--you have some really great ideas!

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! I just started this blog last year after seeing all of the wonderful teaching blogs on here. Never imagined I would have over 100 followers and an award! I contiue to be inspired by the creative dedication of teachers all over the country! Teachers are a unique breed and I truly believe that! WOW! I am honored! Amber Voss
