Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tis the Testing Season

Tis the season for state testing.  Our kindergarten team supports and encourages our 4th graders throughout the testing season with encouraging notes and cards.  We also try to provide an encouraging treat for them each day they test.  Our PTG provides the healthy brain food, and we provide the fun ones!  I wanted to share some of the "fun" treats and notes that we have sent to our 4th grade friends in years past.  I found some of the sayings on ProTeacher several years ago, and others were inspired by the candy aisle.

And a little Pinspiration...

This one might be fun because I think we actually test on St. Patty's Day this year!
Good luck on your test! Awesome idea for our kindergartners to give to an older grade before testing :)
I love this cookie one! I might have to add it to the mix this year!
Test Taking Treat
I would love to hear what you do to support the older classes while they are taking state tests.

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