Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm Blushing!

Thank you to Kelly from Kindergarten Kel for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award!  Kelly has an amazing blog! If you're not already following her, you're missing out!
The rules:
1. Link back to the blogger who gave it you.
2. Pass the award on to 15 other lovely bloggers.
3. Follow the person who sent it to you :)

And now, for my list of 15 Lovely Blogs.  These ladies are all amazing and have so many fabulous ideas and inspiration to share!
1. Joyul Learning in KC
2. A Differentiated Kindergarten
3. Ketchen's Kindergarten
4. Kinder Friendly
5. Primary Princesses
6. Wild About Teaching
7. Young & Lively Kindergarten
8. The Teacher Tattles
9. Klassy Kinders
10. Little Minds at Work
11. Learning with a Happy Heart
12. Kinder Creations
13. Kindergarten at Heart
14. Kindergarten Days
15. Peterson's Primary Peeps

I hope everyone as recovered from the Seusstastical week,and if you're carrying on into next week, I hope the weekend brings you some rest and rejuvenation! 

I went to a great training on Writer's Workshop today, so I'm off to process and change a few things up for next week!


  1. Thank you so much for the award! I'm flattered... Keep up the great work!

    Sincerely, Haley

  2. Thank you so much for the recognition! Im following you now!

    Ms. Trinh
    The Teacher Tattles

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Aw you made my week! Thank you so much I am so honored...I am working on posting more! Thanks again
