Friday, March 16, 2012

Thanks To Lacey at Wild About Teaching!

{I thought I posted this earlier in the week, those sneaky leprechauns must be at work!}

Lacey at Wild About Teaching! had a flash giveaway this week, and I won her Counting On Flashcards! Yea for me! And my kiddos! They absolutely loved them! I mean loved them! Like "Mrs. Krull, we finished our station, so can we PLEASE do the counting on cards" loved them.

If you haven't seen Lacey's Counting on Cards you can check out her post about them here and you can get you very own set from Wild About Teaching's Teachers Pay Teachers store!  She has all kinds of goodies you should really check out!

Thanks again, Lacey, for a great activity that my kids LOVE!


  1. Thanks for coming over to my blog. I am now your newest follower!

  2. Thanks for finding my blog. Love your St Patty's day poem.
    I am your newest follower.

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  3. Thanks so much! I'm SO glad your kiddos loved them!! :) I know mine did!
    Wild about Teaching!

  4. So glad you stopped by my blog! I am now your follower as well!


  5. Thank you for following my blog! I'm now your newest follower!
