Tuesday, May 29, 2012

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things...

Teaching Idea Factory is hosting her first linky party.  Hop over, check it out, and link up!  Who knows, maybe you'll find a few new favorite things!

I feel a bit like Julie Andrews now that I'm finally on summer break!  So...These are a few of my favorite things... 

Transparent Overhead Spinners - Set of 5
Overhead Spinners
My overhead spinners.  Now I don't actually use them on an overhead, but they are essential for literacy and math stations.  You can read a bit more about how I use them here.

Sharpie Love!
What teacher doesn't love Sharpies and have a rainbow assortment in every possible tip size?  This year I actually let the kids use Sharpies (not mine, of course) on several art projects.  I loved the pop that the Sharpies gave their artwork and they were very responsible while using them.  Needless to say they have a very deep understanding of the word PERMANENT! 

MOBI Interactive Tablet
I love my MOBI Interactive Tablet and the kids do too!  Now if I only had an interactive board to go with it.  
I use it all the time during whole group instruction and the kids use it during literacy and math work stations.

Fisher Price Kid Tough Camera
Another favorite in our classroom. We use it regularly during our literacy and math stations.  When kids have an activity that is purely manipulative, they take a picture of their name tag next to their work.  It helps with accountability when necessary, and also give me a peek at how the are doing with stations when I'm too busy with small groups to check in.  We use it for so many projects too - shapes in the real world, small moments writing, poetry, and as a reward for our PBS system they can take it to recess.  It's truly kid tough. We have been using ours for the last 3 years and it still works like a charm! 

And of course, I don't know what I would do without all the fabulous inspiration from fellow bloggers and Pinterest!

What are the Rockin' Resources that you couldn't live without?  Head over to Teacher Idea Factory and link up and share your favs!


  1. Your Sound of Music reference cracks me up! Thank you so much for joining the Linky. Your resources are fantastic. Love the camera idea. What great buy-in that creates. Get the job done and earn the chance to with my toy (while secretly showing me that you are indeed working) . . . I like it! Thanks again Mrs. K!!!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  2. You've gotta love Sharpies & the MOBI!! I completely love your camera idea! That is brilliant & quick way to check accountability. :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Hi!! I am your newest follower. I would love to have you visit my when you get a chance.


  4. I too LOVE the overhead spinners to use in stations! I'm a new follower.

    Lovin’ Kindergarten -come over and check out my giveaway :)
