Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wild and Crazy Start to the Year!

We are in our 5th week of school, and I have to say, this is the craziest school year I have ever experienced! Here is the Cliff Notes version of my start to the year:
The second day of school  dropped my document camera on my big toe and broke it - exactly 7 minutes before I was supposed to let students in!  My toe is finally feeling better, but it sure is big, fat and ugly.  I guess sandal season is about over.  And in case you were wondering (because my principal was), my document camera survived, thankfully!

The next week of school I was hit with a nasty stomach bug, which necessitated wee hour sub plans because I hadn't prepped my emergency sub plans that I bought this summer!  Thankfully my teammate came to the rescue, and helped my poor sub out, because I'm pretty sure the plans were incoherent!  Needless to say, My Emergency Sub Plans are now all prepped and ready to go!  
Barb at Kinderzoo created a fabulous product, and she has them for a variety of books!  If you don't have an emergency sub tub or packet, you should go check out all of Barb's fabulous Sub Planners!

Week 3 brought the exciting roller coaster ride of being transferred to 5th grade due our building losing a teacher, but just as I was getting excited and settling in to the idea, another teacher in our building left, and so I didn't move to 5th after all.

Week 4 culminated in kidney stones, which reared their ugly little head on the weekend, so at least my little lovelies didn't have to have another sub!

The roller coaster was making me weary and I was feeling really defeated when I opened my email to find exciting news from Cheryl at Crayons and Curls.  I was the winner of Angela Watson's Awakened book giveaway!  
     The Awakened Devotional Study Guide for Christian Educators
I am super excited about it!  I received my signed books from Angela in the midst of my possible grade change chaos, and it seemed nothing short of divine intervention!  I have started reading, and I have to say Angela truths are really hitting home!  I am looking forward to this journey!

When I first started stalking reading blogs, Angela's blog, The Cornerstone, was one of the first ones I read routinely. If you haven't visited her site The Cornerstone, you must go check her out! Her monthly roundup of Best Teacher Freebies is a great resource, now organized by grade bands! You can check out September's post here.

On a much brighter note, week 5 has been highly productive and the crazy drama of the first month seems to be behind us! I am really looking forward to getting back into the blogging groove!

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