Saturday, July 9, 2011


My name is Kristin, and I am a kindergarten teacher at a Title I school with high percentage of ELL students.  Prior to an unexpected move to kindergarten, I was a first grade teacher.  While I love the content at the intermediate levels, I am a primary teacher at heart!  If we get it right at the primary level, we have set our students on a path that predicts success in future grades and life.  For the students I teach, getting it right is of primary importance!

 will be a place for me to share ideas, resources, and adventures from my classroom.  I hope that you will find it useful and inspiring!

 Ladybug's Teacher Files 
and her fabulous 5 minute tutorials on setting up a classroom blog, I decided to take the plunge from blog stalker to actual blogger.

For all of you blog stalkers who secretly want to start your own blog, hop on over to Barrow's Hodgepodge
where Kristen is guest blogging!

I have to say I'm addicted.  I started a blog for parents that will feature classroom news and pictures.  I also started a classroom blog that will serve as the homepage on our classroom computers.  I am loving it!

There are so many bloggy things I want to learn how do...let the journey begin!

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