Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Giveaway Winners

Drum roll please.... And the winners are...

Ladies, I have emailed you!

And to everyone else who entered, check your email too.  I just couldn't help but say thank you for visiting my TPT store and taking the time to rate and leave feedback on one of my products!  I truly appreciate it!

I'm off to have some spring break fun with my kiddos!  The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this week.  My creative juices flowing, so I will have more gardening goodies to share later in the week! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break, Finally! And a Giveaway!

Whew! I'm so happy to be on Spring Break this coming week!  I am looking forward to sleeping in, naps, a little reading, painting a few rooms, and working on some projects for my classroom!  My kids are working on a Spring Break Bucket List, so I'm sure my list will be growing!

Last week I started putting together some activities for our gardening and plants unit, but I didn't have much time to work on it during the week.  I finished my Green Thumb Math Work Stations, and just uploaded it to TPT!  It has 5 days worth of math journal prompts with manipulatives and 5 math work stations.  I absolutely love KMP Doodles Veggie Garden Clip Art!

Here's a peek at what's inside:

I would love to give away 3 copies of Green Thumb Math Work Stations!  Here's how to enter (3 chances):
          1. Follow my blog.
          2. Follow me on TPT.
          3. Download one of my free products on TPT and rate it.

Leave me a comment for each one.  Giveaway closes Monday night.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Yippy! I Won! And an Award

I was so excited to find out that I won the giveaway at Little Priorities

I won her new If You Give A... Books by Laura Numeroff Unit!  I love Laura Numeroff and I was thinking about adding her to our author studies for this last quarter!  It's a definite now!  If you haven't already seen her unit you must go check it out, and it's on sale right now!  Thank you Lori!

Also, Jessica at A Turn to Learn awarded me with 
Jessica has a great blog!  Thank you so much for the award! I'm truly honored!  She's a new blogger, so if you haven't visited her blog yet, pop on over and say "Hi," and follow her while you're there! You won't be disappointed!

I was previously awarded here, (the award seems to have disappeared from my sidebar - I'm not sure how long I can blame things on those sneaky leprechauns, but it's still March, so leprechaun shenanigans it is!)  So I'm not sure what the rules are in this instance, LOL! I'm sticking by the 15 lovely ladies that I previously passed this on to, and lots of them are newer bloggers too, so please, go check them out!

I'm so looking forward to Spring Break!  All I can think about is sleep!  For those of you who haven't had break yet, hang in there!

Weather Activities (with feebies)

Our theme for the week is wild, wacky, wonderful weather. I wasn't going to make anything new for this week.  I have tons of weather related things, but when I started looking back through them there were a few skills that I really wanted to hit again before spring break.  For some of my little lovelies digraphs are finally starting to click, others can put the correct sound with the digraph, but they are only identifying the digraph when it's the initial sound.

Thus, the Rainy Day Digraph Sort was born.

And some more freebies...

A simple write the room with weather words.  There is one set of words, but the cards are slightly different.  The blue cards have the entire word, and the red cards have blanks that they must fill in when writing the word. I am planning to hang both sets and then let the kids know which color cards they are looking for.  There is also a recording sheet that will work for either set of cards.

Due to the size of our school and the need to give us all plan time our kids have science as a special.  I miss teaching science and incorporating it with the rest of the learning that goes on in our room.  It has been ridiculously windy here lately, so I thought it would be fun to do something with the wind.  I saw a wind sort on Little Giraffes and decided to set it up as a station this week.

I have just opened my TPT store.  Everything is free, so if you download any of these freebies I would really love for you to rate them and leave me feedback!  Pretty, pretty please!  You could even follow my store while you're there!  I have also uploaded some of the other freebies from my blog, and will try to get the rest uploaded this week.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Thanks To Lacey at Wild About Teaching!

{I thought I posted this earlier in the week, those sneaky leprechauns must be at work!}

Lacey at Wild About Teaching! had a flash giveaway this week, and I won her Counting On Flashcards! Yea for me! And my kiddos! They absolutely loved them! I mean loved them! Like "Mrs. Krull, we finished our station, so can we PLEASE do the counting on cards" loved them.

If you haven't seen Lacey's Counting on Cards you can check out her post about them here and you can get you very own set from Wild About Teaching's Teachers Pay Teachers store!  She has all kinds of goodies you should really check out!

Thanks again, Lacey, for a great activity that my kids LOVE!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Fun

We have been having lots of fun this week.  We are fascinated with all things green, and sneaky little leprechauns!

I have been bad about snapping photos, but here's a peek at some of our literacy work stations.

We did our syllable sort in the pocket chart as a whole group and then students have been practicing during work stations.  Some groups started making their own syllable cards to add to our sort.  They are always so motivated to create and add to our current stations.

We are also doing a St. Patrick's Day themed write the room.

We also brainstormed adjectives to describe our sneaky little leprechaun friend and completed a bubble map that we will be using tomorrow for students who choose to write leprechaun stories during writer's workshop.

And at our math work stations we continued with the theme.
Fill Your Pot from Musings of Me - can't seem to find her blog anymore :(

Surveys are always a hit, and I tried to sneak in a bit more practice with adding and subtracting fluently to 5.

We also practiced ordering numbers in a pocket chart.  I use a multiplication pocket chart that I have folded down to make a hundred chart.  They can also practice counting by 5s and 10s in the smaller pocket charts.  The cards are sized smaller to fit the multiplication chart we use, but feel free to grab them below if you like.

We also sorted, graphed, and practiced addition with Lucky Charms.

Tomorrow and Friday we are hitting inferring hard as we follow clues hunting for the leprechauns pot of gold.  Hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jeannie over at Kindergarten Lifestyle is hosting a linky party so that K-2 bloggers everywhere can unite, or at least find one another.  There are so many fabulous new blogs out there that it's hard to keep up with them all. Jeannie will also be creating a Pinterest board with all of the blogs that link up too!  What are you waiting for, hop on over and check it out!
 Now, I'm off to visit the linky and find some new blogs to stalk:)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

St. Patty's Day Poem and Freebies

Our Dr. Seuss shared reading was such a hit that I decided to create one for St. Patrick's Day. 


Here is the pocket chart version:

I also made a student version:

If you download them, leave me some feedback and let me know, do you prefer Google Docs embedded in the post, or just a screen shot with link?  The embedded documents make posts seem ridiculously long sometimes, but if that doesn't bother anyone, embed I will!

I'm looking forward to some good ol' leprechaun mischief this week.  We will continue to work on inferring with a week long leprechaun hunt that focuses on setting.  This will be tricky, because the big kids are taking state tests again this week and we have to be SO quiet.  I'm thinking I need to come up with a backup set of clues so that if the weather is nice we can do a bit of hunting outside!

We will use adjectives to describe our sneaky friend and write about what it would be like to be a leprechaun.  We also have lots of St. Patty's Day math and literacy work stations.  

My bloggy goal for the week is to remember to take pictures throughout the week so I can share our fun.  Wish me LUCK with that one :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Syllable Sorting Freebie

Just a quick post to share a syllable sorting activity that I made for literacy work stations next week.  Today while working on syllables during our daily auditory battery routine I realized that many of my ELL students are really having trouble with syllables.  We will continue our auditory work, but I wanted to give them some more practice in our literacy work stations.  This station has a pocket chart sort, a cut and glue sort, and an option for write the room.  For my kids that can clap out syllables they will also have the option to create their own syllable sort using blank syllable cards.

Google Docs is being a bit weird tonight with the preview, so let me know if you are having trouble downloading it. 

We have also been doing a fun "Kiss Your Brain" activity with syllables.  We found 100 Hershey's Kisses on the 100th Day of school, but then I forgot to pass them out to the kids at the end of the day.  So I instituted the Kiss Your Brain Jar.  At the end of our literacy block I asked the kids to give me 4 syllable words.  If they came up with a word, we clapped it out and then wrote their name on the board.  At the end of the day, they kiss their brilliant brain and pick a Hershey Kiss from the jar.  This has been a huge hit!  I have kids running up to me in the morning to tell me 4 syllable words they came up with last night.  I think I am going to have to fancy up the jar, and change out the skill periodically, because my little accident has turned into a great motivator!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm Blushing!

Thank you to Kelly from Kindergarten Kel for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award!  Kelly has an amazing blog! If you're not already following her, you're missing out!
The rules:
1. Link back to the blogger who gave it you.
2. Pass the award on to 15 other lovely bloggers.
3. Follow the person who sent it to you :)

And now, for my list of 15 Lovely Blogs.  These ladies are all amazing and have so many fabulous ideas and inspiration to share!
1. Joyul Learning in KC
2. A Differentiated Kindergarten
3. Ketchen's Kindergarten
4. Kinder Friendly
5. Primary Princesses
6. Wild About Teaching
7. Young & Lively Kindergarten
8. The Teacher Tattles
9. Klassy Kinders
10. Little Minds at Work
11. Learning with a Happy Heart
12. Kinder Creations
13. Kindergarten at Heart
14. Kindergarten Days
15. Peterson's Primary Peeps

I hope everyone as recovered from the Seusstastical week,and if you're carrying on into next week, I hope the weekend brings you some rest and rejuvenation! 

I went to a great training on Writer's Workshop today, so I'm off to process and change a few things up for next week!